Battleground Europe CZ

Diskusní fórum o simulátoru World War II Online: Battleground Europe (PvP MMO FPS RTS RPG Stealth)
Právě je 11 únor 2025, 20:02

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Autor Zpráva
PříspěvekNapsal: 12 září 2010, 15:55 

Registrován: 17 leden 2009, 14:32
Příspěvky: 303
Bydliště: Praha
Současná defragmentace disku (W7) poskytuje spíše komfort, než užitnou hodnotu a jak známo, souborům Battleground Europe se vyhýbá nebo práci odvede jen částečně.

Alespoň tedy u mě, pokud zbyde po defragmentaci 1% rozdělených souborů, se lze vsadit, že se to bude týkat právě Battleground Europe, proto tedy po každé aktualizaci Battleground Europe používám krom defragmentace v OS i program Contig.

Výsledky po spuštění
P:\Program Files\Contig>contig -v -a "P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc0*.ww2"
pak vypadají následovně:

P:\Program Files\Contig>contig -v -a "P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc0*.ww2"

Contig v1.55 - Makes files contiguous
Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc01.ww2:
Scanning file...
P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc01.ww2 is already in 1 fragment.

Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc02.ww2:
Scanning file...
Scanning disk...
File is 50436 physical clusters in length.
File is in 3 fragments.

Found a free disk block at 2355226 of length 23244773 for entire file.
Moving 50436 clusters at file offset cluster 0 to disk cluster 2355226
File size: 206583821 bytes
Fragments before: 3
Fragments after : 1
Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc03.ww2:
Scanning file...
Scanning disk...
File is 22440 physical clusters in length.
File is in 2 fragments.

Found a free disk block at 1806952 of length 22543 for entire file.
Moving 22440 clusters at file offset cluster 0 to disk cluster 1806952
File size: 91910986 bytes
Fragments before: 2
Fragments after : 1
Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc04.ww2:
Scanning file...
Scanning disk...
File is 39420 physical clusters in length.
File is in 3 fragments.

Found a free disk block at 1677545 of length 43362 for entire file.
Moving 39420 clusters at file offset cluster 0 to disk cluster 1677545
File size: 161460723 bytes
Fragments before: 3
Fragments after : 1
Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc05.ww2:
Scanning file...
Scanning disk...
File is 30861 physical clusters in length.
File is in 2 fragments.

Found a free disk block at 2071729 of length 44443 for entire file.
Moving 30861 clusters at file offset cluster 0 to disk cluster 2071729
File size: 126403518 bytes
Fragments before: 2
Fragments after : 1
Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc06.ww2:
Scanning file...
P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc06.ww2 is already in 1 fragment.

Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc07.ww2:
Scanning file...
P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc07.ww2 is already in 1 fragment.

Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc08.ww2:
Scanning file...
Scanning disk...
File is 42998 physical clusters in length.
File is in 4 fragments.

Found a free disk block at 2139255 of length 51363 for entire file.
Moving 42998 clusters at file offset cluster 0 to disk cluster 2139255
File size: 176118513 bytes
Fragments before: 4
Fragments after : 1
Processing P:\Program Files\CRS\Battleground Europe\playarc09.ww2:
Scanning file...
Scanning disk...
File is 30202 physical clusters in length.
File is in 3 fragments.

Found a free disk block at 1959454 of length 30293 for entire file.
Moving 30202 clusters at file offset cluster 0 to disk cluster 1959454
File size: 123705336 bytes
Fragments before: 3
Fragments after : 1
     Number of files processed   : 9
     Number of files defragmented: 6
     Average fragmentation before: 2.22222 frags/file
     Average fragmentation after : 1 frags/file

a při opětovné analýze přes defragmentaci v systému je už vráceno 0% defragmentovaných souborů .

Squad: Czech Panzer Abteilung(CzPA) - CO
Battleground Europe CZ: Project leader
Vás možná válka nezajímá, ale o Vás se válka zajímat bude.

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